Ich bin so verwirrt
Ich bin so verwirrt
Das hätte ich nicht sagen sollen ...
Liebe mich! schade!
Liebe mich! schade!
Ich bin so verwirrt
God's words are so powerful and it got me seriously
God's words are so powerful and it got me seriously
Dear god, please hear me and let me be heard
It's so great we have someone to believe in
It's so great we have someone to believe in
Only he's always there for me
It's so great we have someone to believe in
He's the wisest of all of us, only he knows everything
Only he's always there for me
Discussion about where's the truth has been for ages
God reaching out to me through his words
Having a lot of my mind to guess about
Young guy with prayer beads on his hand holding his hand on a chest
He's the wisest of all of us, only he knows everything
Having a lot of my mind to guess about
He's the wisest of all of us, only he knows everything
Young guy holding skull in one hand and looking at prayer beads he's holding in another hand
This got me pensive about human existence, you know
God reaching out to me through his words
This got me pensive about human existence, you know
Schwarze hand greift nach der weißen hand
Young guy holding skull in one hand and looking at prayer beads he's holding in another hand
Got slightly confused and perplexed after all this reading
Young guy with prayer beads reading a bible
Listening carefully to the word of god
'cause he's always there for us
Listening carefully to the word of god
Having a moment in realising all these things
Er ist überrascht worden
Er ist überrascht worden
Betende frau
A woman is holding a book and flowersAI
Betende frau
Betende frau
All that we are is the result of our thoughts.
Seitenansicht einer christlichen frau, die ein kreuz vorführt
Betende frau
Betende frau
Schwarze vase mit palmzweig
"oh mein gott, baby, baby, siehst du nicht, ich habe alles was du brauchst."
Hör zu, lass uns wie erwachsene reden ...
Junge frau, die das christliche kreuz auf den kopf hält und in die kamera schaut
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid
Junge frau, die mit rosenkranzperlen betet
Wie kommt es, dass mein sack fast leer ist?
Junge frau hält ein christliches kreuz kopfüber mit der hand
Junge frau, die ein umgedrehtes kreuz berührt
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid
Kleines mädchen im rosa kleid