Party hat on a mannequin head

Party hat on a mannequin head

This party could get really more cool, no?

Well, the very best happy birthday to me and myself

Well, the very best happy birthday to me and myself

Cheers up for great celebration time

Birthday celebration is always kind of fun

Well, the very best happy birthday to me and myself

Birthday celebration is always kind of fun

Well, seems like my very best birthday has just started

Let's have this birthday party started

Birthday celebration is always kind of fun

Let's have this birthday party started

Guess, there's nobody here to celebrate

Cheers up for great celebration time

The very happy birthday to me

Birthday celebration is always kind of fun

Well, the very best happy birthday to me and myself

Having the very best time of mu happy birthday

Well, seems like my very best birthday has just started

And all my wishes could come true

Wishing just the very happy birthday to me

Wishing just the very happy birthday to me

Making a wish and having just the very best birthday

Celebrating birthday with an amazing cake

Guess, there's nobody here to celebrate

Celebrating birthday with an amazing cake

And all my wishes could come true

Got little bit pensive after the party

Trying really hard to make these dreams come true

Trying really hard on making those wishes

Junges paar zwischen verschiedenen rassen feiert den geburtstag des mannes

Trying really hard on making those wishes

Wishing just all the best for myself

Wishing just all the best for myself

Got little bit pensive after the party

Junges paar zwischen verschiedenen rassen feiert den geburtstag des mannes

Looks like birthday party got too boring

Schließende augen der jungen asiatischen frau zu einem kaukasischen kerl, der vor kuchen sitzt

Sad looking young man sitting at birthday table

Schließende augen der jungen asiatischen frau zu seinem partner

Junges paar zwischen verschiedenen rassen feiert den geburtstag des mannes

Sad looking young man sitting at birthday table

Wishing just all the best for myself

Junges paar zwischen verschiedenen rassen feiert den geburtstag des mannes

Wishing just the happy birthday for me

Sad looking young man sitting at birthday table

Junge asiatische frau, die dem kaukasischen mann geschenk gibt

Junge asiatische frau, die dem kaukasischen mann geschenk gibt

Junge frau pfeift direkt ins ohr ihres partners

Focused on really this very best wish

A cat wearing a party hat next to a christmas treeAI

Junges paar zwischen verschiedenen rassen feiert den geburtstag des mannes

Junge asiatische frau, die einem kaukasischen kerl geschenke gibt

Süßes miniaturschwein mit einem partyhut auf dem kopf

Süßes miniaturschwein mit einem partyhut auf dem kopf schnüffelt an einem stück karotte

Woman in party hat blowing a party horn near birthday cake

Junge asiatische frau, die einem kaukasischen kerl geschenke gibt

Junge interracial paar ein selfie machen, während geburtstag feiern

Let's get wild and loud tonight!